2021 – Do what you can’t

I was always a bit of a late starter and so it continues in 2021. Happy New Year my friend.
DO WHAT YOU CAN’T (by Casey Neistat) I think this is a great mantra for 2021.
Your current belief system is based on your experiences from the past. You’ve learned to act in a certain way, you are trained to function in a certain way, you’ve learned how to function in today’s society. Maybe someone told you at some point “You can’t do this” or “this will never work” or “this is wrong” or “don’t do that” or “you are not good enough”. You took this on as your reality, your truth. And here comes the truth bomb: Those are limiting believes and trained patterns which are holding you back from living your life to the fullest and tab into your full potential.
Let no one tell you what you cannot do. Break free from your limiting believes and unfold your full potential. Be authentic, connect with your true self, fall in love with life, and trust and surrender to the process.
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While kicking off the new year, I embrace everything I’ve learned so far. My partner always says “the journey is the goal. Not the goal itself”. This is true.
One of my favorite Osho quotes is “separation causes suffering”. As long as you have thoughts like “here I’m and this is my goal”, it will cause you suffering, because you are not there yet. You dream or wish for something to come true in the future and forget about the reality, the present moment, the here and now. Enjoy every single step of your journey. Don’t allow the past to hold you back on your way. Don’t allow the illusion of a perfect future to make you suffer in the now. Aiming for perfection will cause you suffering. Embrace your imperfection. Wherever you are right now. Accept the reality, be more aware. Awareness gives you freedom. The freedom to take conscious action. Embrace the journey. Trust and surrender. Growth will only happen if you are open to it.
Your thoughts will always try to sabotage your actions. Start to listen to your heart. Become a more authentic person, and be willing and open-hearted to receive your life as a gift.
I feel full. Full of love. Love for Life. And do what you can’t.
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