Shakti Mat

Last week I shared the Benefits of Lemon water with you. Today I will share a review of one of the products I use regularly. To be honest, it’s not a daily habit of mine, but I enjoy doing it 3-4 times per week. So what am I talking about? Let me introduce you to the Shakti Mat.
What is a Shakti Mat?
Some of you might have heard about it before and some never. So what is a Shakti Mat? I would say it’s a self-care and wellness tool, which helps you to relax, quieten your mind, and reliefs muscular pain.
As the name already suggests, it’s somehow a mat, designed to lay on your back. With the little extra of thousands of little needle-like spikes. It’s also called an acupressure mat. Acupressure is considered an ancient art of healing, with its roots going back for over 5000 years to Traditional Chinese Medicine.
The Shakti Mat website promises that the daily use of 20min will be beneficial for your overall health. The little spikes apply pressure to your skin and muscles, this should help to improve your sleep, relaxation of tense muscles, sooth of headaches, relief from stress, general vitality and mental clarity.
Sounds very promising, so I wanted to give it try. Over the last couple of weeks, I used the mat regularly to experience it myself.

How & when to use the Shakti Mat
It’s recommended to use the mat daily for around 20min. Depending on the surface you put the mat on you will apply more or less pressure e.g. if you place the mat on the ground it will be more intense than if you place it on your bed. If it’s still too intense for you, you can wear a shirt.
I started with placing my mat on my bed and no shirt. You slowly lower yourself down on the mat until your weight is evenly distributed. And then you relax and enjoy the sensation. After around 20min you peel yourself slowly off.
Is it painful?
Yes and No. Of course, you feel the spikes on your skin. In the beginning, it’s uncomfortable and your mind is telling you not to do it. If you start to relax, you will feel that your whole back warms up (due to increased blood flow) and the first sensation of pain will be replaced by a warm sensation. You still feel the spikes, but not in a painful way. You start to relax and surrender.
When is the best time?
The Shakti Mat is supposed to help you to calm down, relax, and unwind. You can use it either in the morning or after a stressful day. It’s time you invest in your wellbeing. I use it whenever I feel that my muscles are tense or I want to relax. This can be around lunchtime or in the evening. One thing to keep in mind: if you lay on your mat the spikes will increase the blood flow in the addressed area. As a result, your back will be red. I have very sensitive skin, and it stays red for quite a while. In my case, you can still see the little pressure dents from the spikes hours after I used the mat. So if I plan to go somewhere where my back will be exposed, I avoid using the mat right before.
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Why is it worth a try?
I will be completely honest with you. I’m not sure if the Shakti Mat is delivering all the benefits promised, but it’s not a big investment, fun, relaxing, and something new to try.
I don’t use it daily, but regularly. Especially if I feel my back muscles. Due to the spikes, you trigger blood circulation in your back, which is very helpful in healing sore muscles. The Shakti Mat also helps me to get out of my head and simply relax. You feel the sensation of the spikes. Your body resists, you can’t focus on anything else. After a while, you relax a bit more and your mind is opening up to observe.
So, yes! it’s totally worth a try especially if you have a hard time relaxing, feel stressed or have a sore/tense back.
I think there are different acupressure mat suppliers out there. But the original Shakti Mat comes from Shakti Mat. What I love about them, is their sustainability approach. I got my mat delivered and it was lovely packed without plastic. They only use organic products.
Additionally, with every mat you purchase, Shakti Mat donates ten percent of their profits to selected charities. You choose where your contribution is made after your purchase. I love that concept of giving back.

One more thing, the Shakti Mats are produced in India by Indian women. Shakti Mat promises to provide a good work environment and meaningful & fulfilling employment. This is denefantly something to support. Learn more about their values and sustainability:
Overall conclusion
I recommend the Shakti Mat to everyone who is looking for a new wellness tool or deals with tense back muscles due to bad posture or sitting all day long. The Mat triggers the blood flow in your back, which helps to relieve tense muscles. The Shakti Mat is also good to calm down, relax, and unwind. Either in the morning or after a stressful day. It’s time you invest in your wellbeing.
One big plus for me is the companies overall values and approach to a healthy work environment and sustainability. Big PLUS.
To sum it up. If you think about trying the Shakti Mat. Just go for it. And even better: you can get a 10% discount if you use the coupon code KATJAFEIL10 during checkout.
*I’m not getting payed from Shakti Mat to write this review. It’s my honest opinion about a product I personally use and like. Shakti Mat is also a company which aligns with my values (work environment, sustainability, donations for charities, supporting women in India). That’s the reason why I decided to sign up for their affiliate program. If you click on one of the embedded links you will be forwarded to Shakti Mat. I don’t take any responsibility for their website content. If you decide to purchase one of the mats, following a link on this website, I will get a small percentage of the sale. This does not influence the price of the product.